== Dunder (Double UNDERscore) Alias ==

[[https://www.mark-jackson.online|Mark Jackson]] was the first to suggest '''dunder''' as a speech shorthand for double underscores ({{{__}}}) in a reply to [[https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2002-September/155836.html|a query from Pat Notz]]. [[http://www.nedbatchelder.com/|Ned Batchelder]] later [[https://nedbatchelder.com/blog/200605/dunder.html|stressed the need for a way of pronouncing]] '''{{{__}}}''':

An awkward thing about programming in Python: there are lots of double underscores. [snip] My problem with the double underscore is that it's hard to say. How do you pronounce {{{__init__}}}? "underscore underscore init underscore underscore"? "under under init under under"? Just plain "init" seems to leave out something important. '''I have a solution: double underscore should be pronounced "dunder". So {{{__init__}}} is "dunder init dunder", or just "dunder init".'''

[[https://web.archive.org/web/20230607232714/http://an.ton.io/blog|Antonio Rodriguez]] reported [[https://nedbatchelder.com/blog/200605/dunder.html#comment_5782|immediate adoption]] of the alias.