[[http://dreampie.sourceforge.net/|DreamPie]] requires PyGTK, which, for Mac, requires [[http://www.macports.org|MacPorts]]. The installation instructions are: * Install !MacPorts. * Install X11. * Download the source archive and unpack it. * Run {{{sudo port install py26-pygtksourceview}}}. This may take a long time (even hours). * Run {{{python2.6 dreampie}}}. Please add here any comments or suggestions. Also, if anybody volunteers to create a !MacPorts package, it would be very nice! == GError: Couldn't recognize the image file format for file == Joe !VanAndel experienced this problem, which caused !DreamPie to not start at all. The fix is was to run {{{setenv XDG_DATA_DIRS /opt/local/share}}} before running !DreamPie. See: https://bugs.launchpad.net/dreampie/+bug/526197