= Django Meeting NL = Moved, go to http://www.meetup.com/dutch-django-assocation/ This Python wiki doesn't really work anymore, so we (and the Dutch python meetings) advertise all meetings on http://www.meetup.com/dutch-django-assocation/ now. = Old content = Django meeting is a Dutch meeting for Python/Django users, intended for both professionals and hobbyists alike. Our aim is to support interaction between all Dutch Django users and to be a platform for information exchange. For the regular Dutch python meetings, see http://wiki.python.org/moin/PUN = Language = To improve accessibility for speakers of all foreign languages, meetings will be held in English. It is possible for an occasional presentation to be in Dutch. Als je een presentatie in het Nederlands wilt geven, ben je net zo welkom! De meeste toehoorders zullen Nederlands verstaan. = Komende bijeenkomsten = * Wednesday 4 July 2012, Amsterdam, Python-web meetup (formerly: Django Meeting) @ [[http://www.treehouse.abc.nl/index.php?page=location|ABC tree house]]. See [[DjangoMeetingNL/DM/ABC120704|Agenda]] = Vorige bijeenkomsten en verslagen = * (./) '''Done''': Wednesday 18 April 2012, Amsterdam, Django Meeting @ [[http://www.treehouse.abc.nl/index.php?page=location|ABC tree house]]. See [[DjangoMeetingNL/DM/ABC120418|Agenda]] * (./) '''Done''': Wednesday 18 January 2012, Amsterdam, Django Meeting @ [[http://www.treehouse.abc.nl/index.php?page=location|ABC tree house]]. See [[DjangoMeetingNL/DM/ABC120118|Agenda]] * (./) '''Done''': 5 oktober 2011, Amsterdam, Django Meeting @ [[http://www.treehouse.abc.nl/index.php?page=location|ABC tree house]]. See [[DjangoMeetingNL/DM/ABC111005|Agenda]] and [[http://reinout.vanrees.org/weblog/2011/10/05/django-amsterdam.html|Reinout's summary]]. * (./) '''Done''': 13 april 2011, Amsterdam, Django Meeting @ [[http://www.treehouse.abc.nl/index.php?page=location|ABC tree house]]. See [[DjangoMeetingNL/DM/ABC110413|Agenda]]. * (./) '''Done''': 12 january 2011, Amsterdam, Django Meeting @ [[http://www.treehouse.abc.nl/index.php?page=location|ABC tree house]]. See [[DjangoMeetingNL/DM/ABC120111|Agenda]]. * (./) '''Done''': 29 september 2010, Amsterdam, Django Meeting @ [[http://www.treehouse.abc.nl/index.php?page=location|ABC tree house]]. See [[http://reinout.vanrees.org/weblog/2010/09/29/dutch-django-meeting-amsterdam.html|Reinout's summaries]]. See [[DjangoMeetingNL/DM/ABC290910|Agenda]] * (./) '''Done''': 9 june 2010, Amsterdam, Django Meeting @ [[http://www.treehouse.abc.nl/index.php?page=location|ABC tree house]]. [[http://reinout.vanrees.org/weblog/2010/06/10/django-amsterdam.html|Reinout's summary]]. See: [[DjangoMeetingNL/DM/ABC090710|Agenda]] * (./) '''Done''': 17 february 2010, Amsterdam, Django Meeting @ [[http://www.treehouse.abc.nl/index.php?page=location|ABC tree house]]. See: [[DjangoMeetingNL/DM/ABC170210|Agenda]] ([[http://www.flickr.com/photos/---------------------/sets/72157623471855906/|Foto's]])