On '''Wednesday July 4th 2012''' we will meet again! What used to be know as the Django meetup now will be the Python-web meetup. Meaning that anything to do with a combination of Python and the Web is interesting. Of course this still includes Django. But also think of frameworks like flask, pyramid, grok, zope, etc. Or technologies like tornado, twisted, etc. Or perhaps interfacing Python and node.js. Feel free to join us, everybody who loves to hear about these subjects is welcome. The location opens at '''19:00''', feel free to enter and grab a beer while it still cold (?). Talks start at '''19:30'''. We are seated on the second floor of our sponsor '''[[http://www.treehouse.abc.nl/index.php?page=location|ABC Treehouse in Amsterdam]]''', thanks again for hosting us. Presentations end around 22:30 hours, and then it's time for another (third/fourth/nth) beer. At approximately 23:30 hours everyone is kicked out of the building and we leave all inspired by the lovely presentation that maybe you've given? If you are attending, '''please leave your name below'''. Even better, if you think you have something interesting to talk about, maybe a nice app you found on github, or your favorite pet project, even a nice book - then start listening to that eeny weeny tiny voice in your head yelling on top of its voice: "Yes you can!" and '''fill in a blank presentation''', because we would love to hear from you. Sincerely, we do. If you have any questions, just contact one of the organisors, Remco Wendt: remco@maykinmedia.nl or Wim Feijen: wim at go2people dot nl. === Presentations === . `10 min -` "DjangoCon Europe 2012 summary of the summary" - ''Remco Wendt ([[http://www.maykinmedia.nl|Maykin Media]])'' . `30 min -` "Building Single-page web-applications with Django, Twisted and TxWebsocket" - ''Jeroen van Veen ([[http://gw20e.com|Goldmund, Wyldebeast & Wunderliebe]])'' . `5 min -` "Document automation (Office) using Django" - ''Henk Vos ([[http://www.rapasso.eu]])'' . `5 min -` "[Presentation name]" - ''[your name] ([your site])'' . break . `30 min -` "[Presentation name]" - ''[your name] ([your site])'' . `5 min -` "[Presentation name]" - ''[your name] ([your site])'' . `5 min -` "[Presentation name]" - ''[your name] ([your site])'' == Confirmed == * Remco Wendt ([[http://www.maykinmedia.nl|Maykin Media]]) * Rudolph Froger ([[http://www.estrate.nl/|Estrate]]) * Guido Kollerie ([[http://blog.kollerie.com/|Blog]]) * Kuno Woudt ([[https://frob.nl|frob.nl]]), Remie Woudt == Sponsors == Sponsors of tonight are: . [[http://www.treehouse.abc.nl/|ABC Treehouse]] . Django Vereniging Nederland