= Distutils Sprint 27/30  january 2010 =

== Participants ==

 Add your name:

 * Tarek (28/30)
 * Julien "Mike Perdide" Miotte (27/30)
 * FELD Boris (27/30)
 * Pierre-Yves DAVID - Logilab (27/30)
 * Gael Pasgrimaud - Bearstech (28/30)
 * André Espaze - Logilab (27/30)
 * Alain Leufroy - Logilab (27/30)
 * Alexis Metaireau (28/30)
 * Julien Jehannet - Logilab (29 afternoon/30)
 * Sébastien Douche (28/30)
 * Kelsey Hightower - Atlanta (online) (27/30)
 * Godefroid Chapelle (28/29)
 * Christophe Combelles (28 morning)

You can participate online by joining the #distutils channel on the [[http://freenode.net/|freenode irc networks]]

There is room for about 15 people.

Hackers from montreal-python will be joining us on saturday (cf http://montrealpython.org/2011/01/packaging-sprint-11/)

== sprint goals ==

 * the install/remove scripts
 * polishing Distutils2 for the next alpha release (fixing bugs)
 * many other things…

== requirement ==

Tarek will do a rehearsal of his Pycon 2011 talk, as an introduction to packaging and Distutils2.

The sprint is open to anyone, but there will be no introduction to Python, TDD or sprinting and we expect participants to know those.

== Hosting ==

The sprint is hosted by [[http://logilab.org|Logilab]]:


104 boulevard Louis-Auguste Blanqui

75013 PARIS

métro Glacière (ligne 6)


The office will be open:

 * from 09h to 19h Thursday and Friday
 * from 10h to 19h Saturday and Sunday

For additional information please [[http://www.logilab.org/Card/ContactUs|contact us]]

== hotel ==

People sprinting in our office usually use:

Tim Hotel place d'italie butte aux cailles


75013 Paris, France

+33 1 45 80 67 67 – +33 1 45 89 36 93 (fax) 
