#pragma section-numbers off A small, elegant templating engine. === Masthead === URL:: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/cubictemp version:: 2.0 licence:: BSD platforms:: All Python versions:: 2.4+ === Deployment Platforms === Any === Sample === {{{ <select> <!--(for option in optionList)--> <option @!if (option[1]) then "selected" else ""!@> @!option[0]!@ </option> <!--(end)--> </select> }}} === Suitability === CubicTemp should be used in association with a good web framework. It is small and simple enough to be modified on a per-project basis. A back ported version of CubicTemp is available from my page AshishShrestha. This works with Jython 2.1 This allows it to be used with servlet engines like Tomcat. I think the simplicity of CubicTemp and ease of Jython is a cool combination for web development. === Development Interfaces === === Environment Access === === Session, Identification and Authentication === === Persistence Support === === Presentation Support === === InTheirOwnWords === CubicTemp is an attempt to make a Python templating system that is simple, powerful and well designed. Cubictemp also has built-in protection against cross-site-scripting attac, a very common class of web application vulnerability. === Comments === === Hosting ===