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Clear message

Participating in the Community

It has been said that part of Python's success is due, at least in part, to the friendly community surrounding the language in general and resources like the newsgroups and mailing lists in particular.

Mailing lists and newsgroups

Python Web site

Where discussion of Python-related things takes place

Behind the scenes of

Python on IRC

Python-related blogs

Real-time discussion and help on Python-related matters

News, opinions and perspectives

Local user groups

How to... guides

Find a Python group near you.

Contribute to the documentation

Volunteer opportunities

Core development

Projects which need help

Developing the Python language and runtime itself

Diversity in Python


Resources on being welcoming to all populations of Python users.

Automated testing of the Python source code

Conferences and events


Gatherings of Python users and community members

Python Community Buildbots

Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

Python Enhancement Proposals (PEPs)

Discussion of improvements in specific areas

How the language evolves

Python around the world

Wiki maintainers and users

The global Python community

The people who contribute to this Wiki

Python developers

Commercial Services

People developing in Python and maybe "tweeting"

People you can pay to develop or deploy Python on your behalf

Related Wikis

Other Python Wiki sites

So come meet the EffBot, MartelliBot, our glorious BDFL and all the rest of the gang! A cast of thousands!

Community (last edited 2015-01-14 15:53:02 by WolfgangMaier)

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