## page was renamed from CodingProjectIdeas/Applications == Applications in, of or with Python == This page lists application-related ideas. * Research how to get python support into all the cheap webhosts. * Write a new and useful application in Python. * Improve an existing Python application (e.g. [[http://wiki.list.org/display/DEV/Summer+of+Code|Mailman]], BitTorrent, Zope). Some Python-based projects are SoC mentoring organizations in their own right, so you might end up being mentored by them, not the PSF. (You should probably contact a current developer on the project first, to ensure that your plans mesh with theirs. JimJJewett offers to help if you want to work on [[http://www.plkr.org|plucker]], which lets you read web pages on a disconnected palm pilot.) * [[http://pyxides.stani.be/|PyxIDE]] has several potential projects related to IDEs in Python. Real-time code analysis would be a good project (which could in turn be used to build auto-completion and other tools). * Improve support for Python in Eclipse (the Java-based integrated development environment): http://pydev.sf.net * Improved python code generation support in umbrello [[http://uml.sourceforge.net/index.php]] or alternatively a pure python implementation to parse umbrello files and generate python code. * Bring [[http://www.enthought.com/enthought/wiki/MayaVi|MayaVi 2's]] feature set up to the level of [[http://mayavi.sourceforge.net|MayaVi 1.5]] ([[mailto:robert.kern@enthought.com|contact]]). * integrate Bayesian Filtering with MoinMoin. see: [[http://gauss.ffii.org/BayesWiki|full proposal]] * isn't this better under the MoinMoin mentors? see below.. * [[http://pywinauto.pbwiki.com/|pywinauto]] * Create tool to allow macro recording (possibly using pyAA or pyHook - or other tools). * Research how one pywinauto script can work on any number of (spoken) languages. * [[http://regal.sdsu.edu/stars|Stars]] * Space Time Analysis of Regional Systems * Assist with the refactoring of this program... Tasks include, visualization, interaction and data structures. * Improve [[http://grac.sourceforge.net/|GRAC]], a GRAmmar Checker based on learning algorithms. * Improve [[http://sourceforge.net/projects/shedskin/]], an optimizing Python-to-C++ compiler, that typically results in code that is 2-40 times faster than when using Psyco. A nice SoC topic would be to add memory optimizations (such as transforming heap allocation into stack- and static preallocation), to bring the performance of generated code even closer to that of manually written C++.