Is there an existing Python module that takes care of retrieving and caching web page contents? Something like: {{{ #!python import cachedweb cache = cachedweb("/home/user/.web_cache") # Maintain cache data in .web_cache print cache.get("") }}} Perhaps there are different options for where and how to store cache data. I have written at least three programs that do this, ([[|nLSD interpreter,]] and two [[|Local Names servers,]]) and am about to embark on a fourth program. Has anyone created a standard module or interface for this sort of thing? Some things that would be nice: * Optional attention to HTTP cache directives. * Specify directory to store cache entries in. * Optional compression, decompression, of cached data. * Optional connection with a client-side Squid cache. (Pooling a web cache with other programs.) * Conceivably, a caching module could be a drop-in replacement for urllib. Some info for would-be cachers: * [[|Caching Tutorial for Web Authors and Webmasters]] - talks about HTTP headers having to do with caching * [[|urllib.urlretrieve]] - performs some of what we want, though you have to do a lot of maintenance yourself -- LionKimbro <> == Primitive Example == Here's a very simple example: {{{ #!python #!/usr/bin/python """Retrieve and cache web pages. webcache retrieves and caches web pages. If the webpage has been retrieved before, the cached version is used. The module is primitive; it DOES NOT respect HTTP cache headers. Cached pages are stored in a BSD database. WebCache -- cache for web pages """ import time import urllib import optparse import bsddb class WebCache: """BSD DB cache for web pages. get_page -- retrieve a page from cache or web dump_page -- dump a cache entry clean -- vet expired cache entries """ def __init__(self, page_db_filename, time_db_filename, cache_ttl): """Initialize web cache. Berkeley databases are created if they don't already exist. The page database stores the contents of web pages. The time database stores the times that the pages were loaded. Times are stored in seconds since the epoch. page_db_filename -- filename of page database time_db_filename -- filename of load timestamp database cache_ttl -- cache time to live in seconds """ self._page_db = bsddb.hashopen(page_db_filename) self._time_db = bsddb.hashopen(time_db_filename) self.cache_ttl = cache_ttl def get_page(self, url): """Retrieve a page from the web or the cache. get_page returns the page contents retrieved by urllib.urlopen. url -- URL of web page to retrieve """ now = time.time() if url in self._time_db: last_read = float(self._time_db[url]) if now < last_read + self.cache_ttl: return self._page_db[url] contents = urllib.urlopen(url).read() self._page_db[url] = contents self._time_db[url] = str(now) self._page_db.sync() self._time_db.sync() return contents def dump_page(self, url): """Force a cache entry to expire.""" del self._time_db[url] del self._page_db[url] self._time_db.sync() self._page_db.sync() def clean(self): """Vet cache of expired entries. Note that the BSD database file may not actually get smaller. (Rather, older data will be overwritten by new data.) """ now = time.time() for (url, last_read) in self._time_db.items(): last_read = float(last_read) if now >= last_read + self.cache_ttl: del self._time_db[url] del self._page_db[url] self._time_db.sync() self._page_db.sync() if __name__ == "__main__": parser = optparse.OptionParser("usage: %prog [options]\n" "cleans the cache if no URL is" " supplied") parser.add_option("-p", "--pages", dest="page_db_filename", default="pages.db", type="string", help="pages BSD database filename") parser.add_option("-t", "--times", dest="time_db_filename", default="times.db", type="string", help="timestamps BSD database filename") parser.add_option("-T", "--ttl", dest="ttl", default=60*60, type="int", help="time to live (in seconds)") parser.add_option("-u", "--url", dest="url", type="string", help="url of page to retrieve and display") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) > 0: parser.error("incorrect number of arguments") cache = WebCache(options.page_db_filename, options.time_db_filename, options.ttl) if options.url is None: cache.clean() else: print cache.get_page(args[0]) }}}