#acl All:read +ClaudioGrondi:read,write,revert Started to write computer programs using Algol 60 and Fortran running on a mainframe computer. Learned to program in APL, MS-DOS Quick``Basic , MySQL, PHP, C, C++, MS Visual Basic and MS Visual C++ and to write DHTML pages using Java``Script. If you are interested in playing against or programming your first own Java``Script engine for the five-in-a-row game check out my online page: http://people.freenet.de/AiTI-IT/ My first own Python scripts are dated 2003. News: # 2005-10-12 : uploaded the How``To_Access``Raw``Sectors``Of``Physical``Drives_onWindows.py to http://people.freenet.de/AiTI-IT/Python/HowTo_AccessRawSectorsOfPhysicalDrives_onWindows.py and How``To_Access``Raw``Sectors``Of``Physical``Drives_onLinux.py to http://people.freenet.de/AiTI-IT/Python/HowTo_AccessRawSectorsOfPhysicalDrives_onLinux.py . For more details on this subject check out the thread " Wanted: Python module allowing direct access to raw sectors of harddrives (MFT, boot sector, etc.) in MS Windows ", initiated on 2005-10-10 in comp.lang.python. # 2005-04-09 : posted to comp.lang.python a Python script (pyMBM.py) querying the shared memory area exposed by the freeware MBM 5 utility (available from http://mbm.livewiredev.com/) for tracking motherboard sensory information as temperatures, fan speeds and voltages. # 2005-02-07 : uploaded my own version of Console.py to http://people.freenet.de/AiTI-IT/Python/Console.py Console.py is part of the readline module and is used by e.g. IPython. In my version the (extended) Console() class supports any ANSI escape sequences of the form ESC[#m and ESC[#,#m , making it possible to set any by console supported text and background colors. ---- CategoryHomepage