This page should help beginners decide which of the many libraries for GuiProgramming is best for their particular needs. <> = Features = == Widgets == Which Widgets are available? In the base distribution? In additional libraries? Are the additional libraries portable as well? == Portability == On which platforms is the toolkit available? Is the code written for the toolkit really portable or does the application behave differently on some platforms? == Ease of Installation == Is it easy to install all the parts necessary? Is is easy to bundle the libraries with the application to allow for a single installer and no version dependencies? == Integration into Desktop == Does it look and behave like a native application? Is it possible to make use of special features of a specific platform (say: minimize to tray on Windows)? = Learnability = == Newbie Documentation == What documentation is there to learn the toolkit? Demos, tutorials, books etc. Are GUI builders available? == Reference Documentation == Most toolkits are written for a different language. Is there Python specific documentation available? If not, is it easy to translate the documentation to the Python view? == Demo Applications == Are there any real application written for this toolkit to show off advanced features? = Limits = Is it possible to write your own widgets in 100% Python? How's the future of the toolkit? How easy is it to build all the parts from scratch if no one updates the binaries? Is this true for all platforms? = Licence = GPL, BSD like, commercial, on all platforms? = Other = ---- CategoryPyCon2006