[[http://phaseit.net/claird.html|Cameron Laird]],
vice president of
[[http://phaseit.net|Phaseit, Inc.]],
frequently publishes
[[http://phaseit.net/claird/misc.writing/publications.html#computer_article|magazine articles]] and book chapters
about Python (see also PythonWriters) and other open-source technologies.
He is
"[[evangelism support materials]] czar"
for the [[http://www.python.org/psf|PSF]], moderator for the
TkInter mailing list, occasional contributor to several
open-source extensions, editor of "Python-URL!" (which
needs its own hyperlink--later), occasional lecturer on and trainer
in Python, and so on. He also programs (see PythonConsulting) in Python daily on behalf of
Phaseit and its clients.