Pycon India 2009

Author: Noufal Ibrahim <noufal@sanctuary>
Date: 2009-04-28 22:39:01 IST

Table of Contents
1 PyCon India discussion
    1.1 Items discussed
        1.1.1 Venue
        1.1.2 Format
        1.1.3 Speakers from outside
        1.1.4 Site
        1.1.5 Money matters
        1.1.6 Publicity/sponsorhip
        1.1.7 Approx expenses
    1.2 Things to do
    1.3 Approx timeline

1 PyCon India discussion

1.1 Items discussed

1.1.1 Venue
    - Probably at an academic institution.
    - Anand has contacted some folks at IISc. and come up with this
      - It's possible to get the some lecture halls and
        stuff from the college if *one of the profs is there on the
        conference organising committee*.

1.1.2 Format
    - We are hoping for roughly  14-16 slots among which 7-8 will be
      newbie topics and 7-8 will be advanced.
    - In order to fill slots and make the event richer, we are
      considering open spaces and BOF events.
    - We are also open to lightning talks which can fill gaps and make
      the event interesting.
    - We are planning this to be a one day event scheduled for
      sometime in last September (approx. timeline is there below).
    - We are currently leaning towards not having a keynote
      speaker. If things change, we might consider one later.
    - We are planning to keep a registration fee of Rs. 200 (early
      bird) and Rs. 300 (spot)

1.1.3 Speakers from outside
    - If we *do* get speakers from outside, we will pay for
      accomodation, food and local transport (not for travel).
    - This will cost us roughly 3000 per per person.

1.1.4 Site
    - We are planning to ask Kenneth if we can reuse the software
      which he has
    - We are planning to get the pycon domain name from the PSF (
    - It might be a good idea to ask Kenneth to take over the web
      details completely.

1.1.5 Money matters
    - We need an account to hold the funds we gather/collect.
    - Kenneth might be the person who can arrange for us to use an account.

1.1.6 Publicity/sponsorhip
    - We need to leverage personal contacts (companies where we work,
      people we know) to get information about sponsors as well as the
      news to spread through the hacker crowd.

1.1.7 Approx expenses
      Item                       Rough cost   Notes
      Venue                           10000   Anand has positive
feedback from IIsc.
      Projectors/Sound systems        10000   Can the college provide
      Food                            10000   Outsourced to a caterer
      Wifi                                ?   Contact Ramdas for this
      Swag                            20000   T-shirts, pens, notepads
      External speakers               24000   8 external speakers
      Total                           74000   Approx. 100,000 (with
safety margin)

1.2 Things to do
   - Site + Financial aspects - Ask Kenneth [Noufal]
   - Venue
     - talk to IISc.  [Anand]
     - talk to Ramdas about school [Senthil]
   - Wifi
     - Talk to Ramdas about this [ Senthil]
     - Talk to Ramakrishna about this [ Senthil]
   - Getting Bruce Eckel for the keynote [ Senthil to talk to Anand Pillai]

1.3 Approx timeline
     Date          Activity
     By 31/April   Fix venue, date and No. of days
     By 7/May      Setup site, registration, logo contest
     Till 30/May   Advertise on blogs, mail lists, twitter, sites etc.
     On 15/Jun     Call for CFP
     On 15/Aug     CFP closed
     30/Aug        Notify selected speakers