== Details == * Venue: Barista, Church Street - Opposite Java City (off Brigade road), Bangalore * Time: 5pm to 7pm on 17 May 2009 == Agenda == * Discuss PyCon India (Follow up on the points from the last meeting) == Participants == * Anand Chitipothu * S Ramdas * Senthil Kumaran * Noufal Ibrahim * Puneeth == Summary == === Attendees === Anand Chitipothu, Senthil Kumaran, Noufal Ibrahim, Srikanth Gaikwad, Puneeth, Kamal Govindraj === General points === * No keynote speaker * We are not planning to have a keynote speaker for now. * Dates are 26 and 27 September * No real objections raised so we're confirming these. * Two tracks, 2 days * Rs. 200 early bird registration and Rs. 300 spot registration. * We are planning to have a small PyCon India Logo Design contest. Noufal will mail the list with the details. === From last meeting === ==== Venue (Anand C.) ==== * IISc. is available and confirmed. * There are no expenses to consider * As for food, there is a a restaurant inside IISc. which might cater food. This has to be investigated. * Wireless setup has to investigated ==== Mailing list and Website (Anand Pillai (along with Kenneth)) ==== * The website is the gating point for us to being publicity and marketing. * Anand has mailed Python.org and they've the mailing should be (or is already) functional. This will be advertised on the BangPypers list. * As for the website. We have to * Get the in.pycon.org domain from the official pycon people * Put a cname entry there pointing to a domain which we have control over * Get the application ready * Host it at the domain and check functionality. * Noufal will follow up and get the details from Anand and Kenneth. ==== Publicity (Senthil) ==== * Mailing details of the event to everyone * We can actually start on proper publicity only after we get the site up. * Puneeth mentioned that colleges need to be targetted as many of the budding programmers will be there. Noufal will create a quick list of colleges and send it out to the list which can be expanded and we can contact them when the site is ready. ==== Registration of a non-profit (Ramdas) ==== * Check the feasibility of registering a non-profit which we can use to handle financial and publicity matters. * Senthil will check with Ramdas about the status. === Other things to do that came up === ==== Possible people to contact ==== * There might be people who can contribute their experiences to the community as a whole. ---- CategoryPythonIndia