== BoF at FOSS.IN 2007 on First week of December 2007 ==

 * Venue: F O S S . I N / 2 0 0 7
   December 4th to 8th, 2007
   National Science Symposium Centre
   Indian Institute of Science
   Bangalore, India.
 * Time: Yet to decide
 * Facilities:
   * Tent to accommodate 30-40 members
   * Free-Wifi Connectivity
   * We do not have projectors, but power supply will be available.

== Agenda ==

 * Lightning talks
 * Project talks (non-commercial)
 * Pet project demos
 * Help and Support for issues (non-commercial)

== Participants ==

 1. Baiju M, mbaiju AT zeomega.com , Phone: +91 9945973441
 2. Parthan S R, parth DOT technofreak AT gmail DOT com, +91 9845446647
 3. Jayesh V, <<MailTo(jayesh.mail AT gmail DOT com)>>
 4. Sree, sree at mahiti org 
 5. Kapil Dua , duakapil AT gmail DOT com