= Installation Error Python 2x & 3x .msi packages (Windows7 Ultimate amd64 OS) = ... After a reinstall of my OS and basic apps e.g., AV, notepad ++, etc... I downloaded the Python .msi's for 2.7.2 amd64bit and tried to install it. It showed this error: '''Python 2.7.2 (64-bit) Setup''' An error occurred during the installation of assembly 'Microsoft.VC90.CRT,version="9.0.21022.8",publicKeyToken="1fc8 b3b9a1e18e3b",processorArchitecture="amd64",type="win32"'. Please refer to Help and Support for more information. ... After clicking OK the installation is aborted and the changes rolled back. I tried various versions all had either the same error or another error stating that something in the download was corrupted. I generated MD5 hashes for each .msi and checked them with list on the website they all matched. I tried checking for compatibility issues and that resulted in skipping version checks. This also did nothing to fix the problem. The only way to stop the rollback was to use the Task Manager to 'End Task' on the install. This has allowed me to keep Python on my system. I haven't had any perceivable ill effects from having done this and as of yet the Python install seems to be fine and works properly. I have posted this for anyone else that has run into this same problem and has been unable to solve it. Also if there is another way to fix the problem properly rather than ripping the installers plug out of the wall so to speak then please let me know. Thanks and I hope this helps rather than hinders. Have a great day ## Leave the note below so that editors can follow the instructions... {{{#!wiki note When ''answering'' questions, add the CategoryAskingForHelpAnswered category when saving the page. This will move the link to this page from the questions section to the answers section on the [[Asking for Help]] page. }}} ---- CategoryAskingForHelp