= How to store information in variable arrays? = How would I store information in variables that I can go back later and compare? Such as {{{#!python x = 1 text = [] while x <= 10: text.append(int(raw_input("Enter a number: "))) x = x + 1 for x in range(10): print text[x] }}} I just need to do this to compare a history to make sure a number hasn't already been entered earlier. But this is just a small example. I get nasty errors. Thanks! edit: that should work now We initialize a list first with `text = []`. Then we just append each element to that list. ---- You can use the `in` operator: {{{#!python if number in text: print "Number already entered!" }}} If you choose to use a set instead of a list... {{{#!python text = set() }}} ...then the above test still works, but you'll use the `add` method on the set when adding numbers, not an `append` method. ---- CategoryAskingForHelp CategoryAskingForHelpAnswered