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= Asking for Help: How does the value from input() become a number, not a string? In 3.2? =

At least in general for Python 2, not specifically about 3.2 where `input` is presumably the equivalent of `raw_input` in Python 2, the input is evaluated using the mechanism Python employs to evaluate expressions, so what happens is rather similar to what you would see at Python's interactive prompt except that only ''expressions'' are allowed, not ''statements''.

So, if you provide a number in response to `input()`, such as...

{{{#!python numbers=disable

...`input` actually evaluates the string `"34"` and returns the number `34`. But `input` does more than evaluate numbers. For example:

{{{#!python numbers=disable
34 + 45

Here, `input` actually evaluates the string `"34 + 45"` and returns `79`. Note that `input` wants Python syntax, so if you want to just capture some text, you have to write a string in Python syntax:

{{{#!python numbers=disable

If you don't do this, then `input` will give an error.

>>> input()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'ABC' is not defined

For just capturing strings, use `raw_input`. The `input` function is only recommended if you want to evaluate Python expressions read from input and if you can trust those expressions. Don't use `input` on data received from random people on the Internet, for example, as the code in the expressions can access other parts of your program just like your own code.

In 3.2, you would reproduce the functionality of `input` from Python 2 by combining `eval` with Python 3's `input` function:

{{{#!python numbers=disable
result = eval(input())

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