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 5-Minutes With Python: A Video Series

Remember being inspired [#]_ by the original Rails `Creating a weblog in 15 minutes`_ video, and again by Kevin Dangoor's `20-Minute Wiki`_ screencast?  Or these new *short* `Rails videos`_.  Well let's create a series of ten 5-minute videos showing off our favorite language, Python!

The aim is to show the breadth of possibilities that Python offers, to inspire the viewer and make it just a bit easier to spread the word.  Programmers new to or skeptical about Python can easily be pointed to the video pages.  Such content will certainly do the rounds in the blogosphere.

.. _`Creating a weblog in 15 minutes`: http://media.rubyonrails.org/video/rails_take2_with_sound.mov
.. _`20-Minute Wiki`: http://files.turbogears.org/video/20MinuteWiki2nd.mov
.. _`Rails videos`: http://railscasts.com/
.. [#] References to Ruby are included to provide examples of video techniques.


Science with Python
  coupling matplotlib inside a wxPython GUI to do science

  couple a MySQL db through SQLObject into a Python program to
  access/edit data

  build a simple game (with Phil of GalCON fame?)

  build a whizzy 3d demo

Make 'Excel' with wxPython
  using the csv module and a wx grid to build a simple Excel clone

Bullet-proof web sites with Twill
  use Twill and nosetests to test a running website

A Content Management System
  5 minutes customising Plone to fit usual use-cases

  using the win32 library to export a Word or Excel file

Image Manipulation
  using the Python Image Library (PIL)