= Configuration File Version Control =

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== Bazaar Overview ==

We are using Bazaar to track files in `/etc` on python.org machines.
Bazaar, also known as BZR, is a version-control system written in Python. 

The home page for Bazaar is at http://bazaar-vcs.org/.

Send questions about the use of Bazaar on python.org to 
<amk at python.org>.

== Directories tracked ==

On dinsdale: {{{
/etc/  -- various directories tracked
/data/ -- initialized but nothing tracked yet

On ximinez: {{{
/etc/  -- various directories tracked
/data/ -- MoinMoin configuration

On bag: {{{
/etc/  -- various directories tracked

== Bazaar cheatsheet ==

The command-line interface resembles that of CVS, 
but  the executable is named `bzr`.

A more detailed introduction to Bazaar's basic features is part of the docs: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev/tutorial.htm

To get a list of available subcommands, run `bzr help`.

To get more details about one particular subcommand, run `bzr help <command-name>`.

=== Setting your ID ===

Bazaar remembers your ID and uses this ID when committing changes.
If you're doing stuff as root, this means we won't know who made a particular change.

`/usr/bin/bzr` is a wrapper script that checks that the ID has been set, reporting an error and stopping when it hasn't been.

To set your ID, set the BZREMAIL environment variable: {{{
export BZREMAIL=admin-person@python.org

=== Making changes ===

To commit a change: {{{bzr commit -m "Add new virtual host" /etc}}}

If you omit the path name, committing will search the entire repository containing the current directory, so you don't need to supply the path if you're currently in `/etc`.  It's OK to commit only a portion of the tree; if you're in `/etc/apache2` and do a commit specifying the current directory ({{{bzr commit .}}}), you'll only commit changes in `/etc/apache2` and its subdirectories.

To back out an uncommitted change: {{{bzr revert /etc/database.conf}}}
restores the last committed version of the file.

The `revert` subcommand works recursively on directories, 
so `bzr revert /etc` will undo all the changes you've made to the configuration files.

=== What have I changed? ===

`bzr status` lists the names of files that are different from
the last committed version: {{{
root@matterhorn:/etc# bzr status

To get a diff-style display of changes, use `bzr diff`: {{{
root@matterhorn:/etc# bzr diff |less
=== removed file 'nanorc'
--- nanorc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
-## Sample initialization file for GNU nano
=== modified file 'syslog.conf'
--- syslog.conf
+++ syslog.conf
@@ -56,16 +56,3 @@
 #      *.=debug;*.=info;\
 #      *.=notice;*.=warn       /dev/tty8

-# The named pipe /dev/xconsole is for the `xconsole' utility.  To use it,
-# you must invoke `xconsole' with the `-file' option:
-#    $ xconsole -file /dev/xconsole [...]
-       news.crit;news.err;news.notice;\
-       *.=debug;*.=info;\
-       *.=notice;*.=warn       |/dev/xconsole

The `--diff-options` switch can be used to change the output of the underlying `diff` program.

=== Adding/removing files ===

To begin tracking a new configuration file, 
it must be added to the repository and then committed:
bzr add /etc/database.conf
bzr commit -m "Add database config" /etc/

If you delete a tracked file using `rm`, Bazaar will 
notice it's gone and remove it from the repository when you commit:

root@matterhorn:/etc# rm database.conf
root@matterhorn:/etc# bzr status
root@matterhorn:/etc# bzr commit -m "Remove file"
missing database.conf
deleted database.conf
Committed revision 9.

The `bzr rm` subcommand stops tracking a file, but does **not**
remove the working copy in `/etc`.

== Viewing history ==

`bzr log` displays all changes that have been made to the tracked files: {{{
root@bag:/etc# bzr log |less
revno: 3
committer: XXX@python.org
branch nick: etc
timestamp: Sat 2007-03-03 04:14:44 +0100
  Add Apache files
revno: 2
committer: XXX@python.org
branch nick: etc
timestamp: Sat 2007-03-03 00:16:43 +0100
  Add a bunch of postfix config files.


== Initializing a new machine ==

Here's how to set up the version control on a new system.

1. Initialize the `/etc` directory as a Bazaar repository. {{{
bzr init /etc

This will create a directory called `/etc/.bzr/` that stores
the history of changes.

2. Make the 'add' and 'status' subcommands ignore all files by default. {{{
bzr ignore '*'

This prevents a stray `bzr add` lacking arguments
from adding lots and lots of files.

3. Manually add the files you want to track: {{{
bzr add /etc/network/interfaces
bzr add /etc/apache2/httpd.conf

4. Commit for the first time: {{{
cd /etc
bzr commit -m "Record configuration files"