= Goals for 2007 redesign =

 * Rebuilding needs to be faster.
   * Global rebuilds could be very fast.
   * Or, a fast rebuild of a subtree or page needs to be easy.

 * Must not require a massive restructuring of the current build/data tree.  (We may or may not use nav.yml and the other files, but a new tool mustn't require some enormous transition process.) 
 * Continue supporting reST and hand-written HTML; we'll continue working on killing off the HTML, but don't want to make it dependent on that.
 * Should be possible to include Wiki pages.
 * Easier to build: e.g. use the current best-of-practice YAML parser, whatever that may be, instead of a custom wrapper.

 * Should include a redirect list inside the pydotorg SVN, so that it doesn't require editing the Apache configs to move a page.

 * Should use some 3rd-party Python library for templating.

 * Should be usable as the back-end for generating pages on the fly in case python.org becomes fully dynamic.  So generating a single page should be reasonably quick and not require any expensive operations.

== Tasks ==

 * Write conversion tool: YAML info to the navigation format. 
 * Fix encoding problems.
 * Write redirection config. tool.

== Pyramid usage ==

amk@matterhorn:~/source/p/pyramid-trunk$ pyramid/pyramid --help
usage: pyramid [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DATA, --data=DATA  directory in which the fragment data is stored
  -o OUT, --out=OUT     directory in which to save output (will be emptied)
  -r RESOURCES, --resources=RESOURCES
                        comma separated list of resource directories to copy
  -v, --verbose         print status messages to stdout
  -V, --veryverbose     print all data to stdout
  -W, --veryveryverbose
                        print all data to stdout
                        only rebuild below these comma separated directories
  -C, --createcache     recreate the cache files
  -c CONSTANTS, --constants=CONSTANTS
                        pass in the names constants (e.g.
  -k, --keepgoing       keep going past errors if possible
  -U, --update          NOT WORKING DO NOT USE try to build only those pages
                        that have changed
  -n, --relativeurls    Converts urls from absolute to relative
  -P, --prettify        Prettify output - not used on live site