## page was copied from InstallationInstructions #format rst .. |stable.installer.jar| replace:: jython_installer-2.5.2.jar .. _stable.download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jython/files/jython/2.5.2/jython_installer-2.5.2.jar/download ============ Installation ============ .. contents:: ---------------------- Jython 2.5.2 and 2.2.x ---------------------- Basic Install ============= Jython 2.5.2 and 2.2.1 are distributed as executable jar file installers. After `downloading `__ it, either double click the |stable.installer.jar| or run java with the -jar option .. parsed-literal:: java -jar |stable.installer.jar| This will start the regular GUI installer on most systems, or a console installer on headless systems. To force the installer to work in headless mode invoke the installer as: .. parsed-literal:: java -jar |stable.installer.jar| --console The installer will then walk through a similar set of steps in graphical or console mode: showing the license, selecting an install directory and JVM and actually copying Jython to the filesystem. After this completes, Jython is installed in the directory you selected. Executing a script in the install directory, ``jython`` on Unix-like systems or ``jython.bat`` on Windows, will start up the Jython console, which can be used to dynamically explore Jython and the Java runtime, or to run Jython scripts. Standalone mode =============== The standalone option does no caching and so avoids the startup overhead (most likely at the cost of some speed in calling Java classes, but I have not profiled it) You can try it out by running the installer: .. parsed-literal:: $ java -jar |stable.installer.jar| then when you come to the "Installation type" page, select "Standalone". The installation will generate a ``jython.jar`` with the Python standard library (``/Lib``) files included, which can be run as: :: $ java -jar jython.jar Of course you can run scripts just by calling them as you might expect: :: $ java -jar jython.jar script.py Or, add this file to the classpath of your application. Installation options ==================== You can get a list of installer options (to install Jython unattended, for example) by running: .. parsed-literal:: $ java -jar |stable.installer.jar| --help