|| '''''Jython Monthly''''' || {{http://www.jython.org/css/jython.png}} || ||'''June 2010 -- Issue #43''' || || The podcast is available for June 2010 at the following URL: http://www.jythonpodcast.com. I hope that you enjoy this month's issue. Please feel free to send me suggestions, questions, or feedback. Thanks My information is as follows: Josh Juneau * Podcast Website: http://www.jythonpodcast.com * jythonpodcast@gmail.com * Podcast Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/JythonPodcast == News == '''Jython 2.5.2 Beta 1 Released''' The Jython developer team has released the first beta for the 2.5.2 release. To see all of the changes that have been made, please visit the [[http://www.jython.org/latest.html|release notes]]. Download and try it out today. Please be sure to report any bugs to http://bugs.jython.org '''Netbeans 6.9 Released''' The latest update to the Netbeans IDE has been released. Version 6.9 does not include any Python/Jython specific updates, but it is recommended that you download in order to make use of the latest editor and IDE specific enhancements. Once you install Netbeans 6.9, just download the Python plugin and install it. [[http://www.netbeans.org|Read More]] '''PyDev 1.5.9 Released''' For those of you using Eclipse Pydev, there has been a new release that now includes support for Aptana Studio 3 (Beta). [[http://www.pydev.org|Read More]] '''Bob Gibson Interview Next Month''' Bob Gibson, co-author of the book entitled '''WebSphere Application Server Administration Using Jython''', will be interviewed by the Jython Podcast next month. I am looking forward to speaking with Bob, and if you have any questions that you would like for me to ask during the interview, please send them to me at jythonpodcast@gmail.com. Special thanks to Bob for his time! == Blogs == [[http://extremestjython.blogspot.com/2010/06/jython-252-beta-1-is-out.html|Jython 2.5.1 is Out]] - Oti Humbel [[http://www.defuze.org/archives/216-using-jython-as-a-cli-frontend-to-hbase.html|Using Jython as a CLI frontend to HBase]] - defuze.org [[http://blogs.sun.com/jacobc/entry/figuring_out_how_to_script|Figuring Out How To Script]] - Locke's Socks == Articles == '''None for June 2010''' == Frameworks == [[http://code.google.com/p/django-jython/|Django-Jython Project]] [[http://wiki.pylonshq.com/display/pylonscookbook/Pylons+on+Jython|Pylons on Jython]] [[http://www.web2py.com/|Web2Py]] == Documentation == [[http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/821-1760/gjiam?a=view-oracle|Glassfish Server 3.0.1 Scripting Docs]] [[http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/attach/GlassFishV3AdminConsole/admingui-3.1-modules.html|Glassfish V3 Admin Console]] == IDE == [[http://openendedgroup.com/field|Field Project]] [[http://pydev.sourceforge.net/|PyDev 1.5.9]] [[http://www.netbeans.org|Netbeans 6.9]] [[http://jwork.org/jhepwork | jHepWork ]] [[http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/|Intellij]] [[http://jythonprocessor.sourceforge.net/|Jython Processor with Swing GUI]] || '''Links ''' || || || || [[http://www.jython.org|Jython Home]] || || [[http://www.python.org|Python Home]] || || [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jython|Jython WikiPedia]] || || [[http://freshmeat.net/projects/jython/|Freshmeat.net]] || || [[http://www.pythonware.com/daily/|Python Daily News]] || || [[http://planet.jython.org/|Planet Jython]] ||