Differences between revisions 10 and 13 (spanning 3 versions)
Revision 10 as of 2011-03-02 22:48:44
Size: 2356
Editor: Oti
Comment: upgrade to 2.5.2 final
Revision 13 as of 2014-05-19 13:13:01
Size: 141
Editor: ZRamsden
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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#format rst

.. |stable.installer.jar| replace:: jython_installer-2.5.2.jar

.. _stable.download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jython/files/jython/2.5.2/jython_installer-2.5.2.jar/download


.. contents::

Jython 2.5.2 and 2.2.x

Basic Install

Jython 2.5.2 and 2.2.1 are distributed as executable jar file installers. After
`downloading <DownloadInstructions>`__ it, either double click the
|stable.installer.jar| or run java with the -jar option

.. parsed-literal::

    java -jar |stable.installer.jar|

This will start the regular GUI installer on most systems, or a
console installer on headless systems. To force the installer to
work in headless mode invoke the installer as:

.. parsed-literal::

  java -jar |stable.installer.jar| --console

The installer will then walk through a similar set of steps in
graphical or console mode: showing the license, selecting an install
directory and JVM and actually copying Jython to the filesystem.
After this completes, Jython is installed in the directory you
selected. Executing a script in the install directory, ``jython`` on Unix-like systems or ``jython.bat`` on Windows, will start up the Jython
console, which can be used to dynamically explore Jython and the Java
runtime, or to run Jython scripts.

Standalone mode

The standalone option does no caching and so avoids the startup overhead (most likely at the cost of some speed in calling Java classes, but I have not profiled it)

You can try it out by running the installer:

.. parsed-literal::

    $ java -jar |stable.installer.jar|

then when you come to the "Installation type" page, select "Standalone".

The installation will generate a ``jython.jar`` with the Python standard library (``/Lib``) files included, which can be run as: ::

    $ java -jar jython.jar

Of course you can run scripts just by calling them as you might expect: ::

    $ java -jar jython.jar script.py

Or, add this file to the classpath of your application.

Installation options

You can get a list of installer options (to install Jython unattended, for example) by running:

.. parsed-literal::

 $ java -jar |stable.installer.jar| --help
My name is Donny (29 years old) and my hobbies are Tour skating and Stone collecting.<<BR>>
Have a look at my blog » 自然豐胸

My name is Donny (29 years old) and my hobbies are Tour skating and Stone collecting.

Have a look at my blog » 自然豐胸

InstallationInstructions (last edited 2017-07-18 18:56:50 by JeffAllen)