These are just some rough notes on the steps I take to release Jython.

  1. Update files in trunk that have information on the current version

    2. build.xml
    3. NEWS
    4. README
  2. Copy trunk and installer to a tag
    1. make svn tag dir
    2. svn cp trunk/jython into tag dir
    3. svn cp trunk/installer into tag dir
  3. build from tag
    1. svn co tag release_checkout
    2. cp into release_checkout/jython
    3. ant full-build in release_checkout/jython
  4. upload installer
    1. go to Admin/File Release on sourceforge
    2. Click on Add release next to the jython package
    3. create with a name in line with the version like 2.2rc1
    4. ftp the built installer as on

    5. associate the uploaded file with the new release
  5. update site
    1. news.txt
    2. download.txt
    3. index.txt
    4. installation.txt
    5. userfaq.txt
  6. upload maven package
    1. ant -Dproject.version=2.2-rc1 in jython/maven
    2. scp dist/jython-2.2-rc1-bundle.jar
    3. File a jira issue for the upload as described in "Posting the request" on