These are just some rough notes on the steps needed to make a full release of Jython. I generally run ant full-build as a test beforehand, as well as testing many of these steps throughout, but since that isn't strictly necessary I'm not including it here. full-build requires all of the optional jars for the build be available and named in See build.xml for more information.

  1. Update files in trunk that have information on the current version
    1. - version and PY_RELEASE_SERIAL at least. Also PY_RELEASE_LEVEL, PY_MICRO_VERSION, PY_MINOR_VERSION and PY_MAJOR_VERSION depending on the level of version bumpage.

    2. build.xml - <property name="jython.version", and make values in <target name="version" match PySystemState.

    3. NEWS
    4. README
  2. Run regrtest and the bugtests
  3. Copy maint to a tag
    1. svn cp

  4. build from tag
    1. set svn.main.dir to tags/Release_2_2_1 in
    2. ant full-build
  5. upload installer
    1. go to Admin/File Release on sourceforge
    2. Click on Add release next to the jython package
    3. create with a name in line with the version like 2.2rc1
    4. ftp the built installer as on

    5. associate the uploaded file with the new release
    6. also update the SourceForge News page (announcement can be added in Admin/News/Submit)

  6. update files in the website that reference the current release
    1. constants.txt
    2. news.txt
    3. download.txt - checksums
    4. index.txt - version number
    5. userfaq.txt - current status
  7. upload maven package
    1. ant -Dproject.version=2.2-rc1 in jython/maven
    2. scp dist/jython-2.2-rc1-bundle.jar
    3. File a jira issue for the upload as described in "Posting the request" on