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Summary of Django on Jython: The Gaps

The most important thing to know about Django on Jython is that we are almost there, and with clean code. End-to-end functionality is demonstrated by the admin tool running in full CRUD, along with a substantial number of unit tests. But this has been achieved by so far requiring only 6 lines of code in changes to Django trunk. (There will be more, however, see below.)

Running on Jython

To run Django on Jython, with a PostgreSQL backend, the following steps are necessary:


Here's what works:

syncdb and the very cool Django admin run; many unit tests pass. You can run with internationalization enabled. You do need to run the dev server with --noreload for now. We need to document here how to run with [http://www.xhaus.com/modjy/ modjy], which is Alan Kennedy's servlet container for WSGI apps.

In running the model unit tests, here are the things we seem to be missing, accounting for most of the approximately 75 failures:

There may be some other rough categories, we need to look at the failures more systematically. All that doctest noise is certainly annoying!

Next Steps

On the Django front, get more of the unit tests running!

Modern is now in trunk.

Historical Notes

(Preserved to show how much we had to go through...)

Merging Modern into trunk

Here are some of the things we addressed:

Former Major Problems

Former Minor annoyances

Already Fixed

(And many more!)