Differences between revisions 44 and 45
Revision 44 as of 2008-03-24 19:08:12
Size: 11515
Editor: c-24-63-105-51
Comment: removed weMap project, added without approval
Revision 45 as of 2008-03-25 19:52:27
Size: 12128
Editor: red-gw40
Comment: Details on DrProject projects.
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 * [http://www.drproject.org/DrProject DrProject] 3.0 will be released at [http://us.pycon.org/2008/about/ PyCon] in March; several projects that would help it would also be useful to the Python community as a whole. Contact: GregWilson ([mailto:gvwilson@cs.toronto.edu gvwilson@cs.toronto.edu]).
   * A Jabber/XMPP server (not client) in Python 3.0. Work was started at the University of Toronto by Dmitri Vassilenko (under the supervision of David Janes), but much more is needed.
   Also see [http://wiki.jabber.org/index.php/Summer_of_Code_2008 Jabber's SOC page] (under Servers/PJS)
   * A ''continuous documentation'' system that:
     * automatically rebuilds a project's Pydoc/Javadoc/whatever every time source code is checked in;
     * integrates the result seamlessly into the project's web site in wiki format; and
     * takes edits to those wiki pages and puts them back into the source code in Pydoc/Javadoc/whatever format. This tool would ''not'' be specific to Dr``Project: if architected properly, it could be dropped into any web-based software project portal.
 * A Jabber/XMPP server (not client) in Python 3.0. Work was started at the University of Toronto by Dmitri Vassilenko (under the supervision of [mailto:davidjanes@blogmatrix.com David Janes]), but much more is needed. [mailto:bwinton@latte.ca Blake Winton] is also interested in mentoring this one. Also see [http://wiki.jabber.org/index.php/Summer_of_Code_2008 Jabber's SOC page] (under Servers/PJS)
 * [http://www.drproject.org/DrProject DrProject] 3.0 was released at [http://us.pycon.org/2008/about/ PyCon] in March, and now has users in several countries. Contact GregWilson ([mailto:gvwilson@cs.toronto.edu gvwilson@cs.toronto.edu]) for more information about the following:
   * Porting some widely-used [http://trac-hacks.org/ Trac plugins] to [http://www.drproject.org/DrProject DrProject].
   * Upgrading from Kid to [http://genshi.edgewall.org/ Genshi]
   * Fixing bugs (yes, we still have some)
   * Rewriting parts of the administration interface (which was built by an SoC student in 2006) to improve workflow and add functionality
   * Finishing off the RPC interface to allow client-side scripting (very useful when administering multiple projects).
 * A ''continuous documentation'' system. (This idea is also up on the [http://www.scons.org/wiki/GSoC2008 SCons] page.) It would:
   * automatically rebuilds a project's Pydoc/Javadoc/whatever every time source code is checked in;
   * integrates the result seamlessly into the project's web site in wiki format; and
   * takes edits to those wiki pages and puts them back into the source code in Pydoc/Javadoc/whatever format. If architected properly, this could be dropped into any web-based software project portal.

This page coordinates the [http://code.google.com/soc/ Google Summer of Code] projects involving Python and mentored by the Python Software Foundation (PSF).

The 2008 PSF SoC coordinator is JamesTauber (jtauber at jtauber dot com). Contact him if you have any questions.

Prospective Students

If you are a student interested in working on core Python development or on a project that helps the Python community, we'd love to have you apply to the Python Software Foundation for this year's Google Summer of Code.

You should join the [http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/soc2008-general soc2008-general] mailing list and take a look at the Project Ideas section below. If any interest you, feel free to contact the proposer for details. You can also discuss your own project ideas with the people mentioned or talk about them on the soc2008-general mailing list. Some of us also hang out on #gsoc-python on freenode.

Students should read ["/Expectations"] to understand what is expected of them.

Prospective Mentors

Prospective mentors should join both the [http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/soc2008-general soc2008-general] and [http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/soc2008-mentors soc2008-mentors] lists. Once you've been approved for the soc2008-mentors mailing list, you should introduce yourself and what project areas you can help mentor. Contact JamesTauber if you have any questions.

Project Ideas

Other Python-Related Organizations

The following other organizations in GSoC 2008 are known to offer Python-related projects:

If you are an organization with projects involving Python, please contact JamesTauber so we can work more closely together.

Previous years

  • ["SummerOfCode/2005"]
  • ["SummerOfCode/2006"]
  • ["SummerOfCode/2007"]

SummerOfCode (last edited 2019-01-30 00:54:09 by TerriOda)

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