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Comment: Keep plugging away. Talking to myself am I?
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== Topics for PyCon DC 2003 - Build Your Own Conference == == Topics for PyCon DC 2003 - Build Your Own Conference!!!! ==
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PyCon DC 2003 is not going to be an elitist conference. It needs your help to ensure that there is something for everybody! What can you do? Well, firstly you can '''''contribute your ideas on this page'''''. It's easy to edit Wiki content, so get to it - just click on '''Edit Text''' below! The more contributors we have, the more relevant and interesting PyCon DC 2003 will be. A few topics are listed below to get you started, but you should feel free to add others if you believe the PythonCommunities will benefit from having them covered at this, and future, conferences. PyCon DC 2003 is not going to be an elitist conference. It needs your help to ensure that there is something for everybody!

What can you do? Well, firstly you can '''''contribute your ideas on this page'''''. It's easy to edit Wiki content, so get to it - just click on '''Edit Text''' below! The more contributors we have, the more relevant and interesting PyCon DC 2003 will be. A few topics are listed below to get you started, but you should feel free to add others if you believe the PythonCommunities will benefit from having them covered at this, and future, conferences.
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Note: Please send mail to [mailto:PyConDC-2003@python.org] after updating this page if you want the organizers to respond with more alacrity.

Topics for PyCon DC 2003 - Build Your Own Conference!!!!

PyCon DC 2003 is not going to be an elitist conference. It needs your help to ensure that there is something for everybody!

What can you do? Well, firstly you can contribute your ideas on this page. It's easy to edit Wiki content, so get to it - just click on Edit Text below! The more contributors we have, the more relevant and interesting PyCon DC 2003 will be. A few topics are listed below to get you started, but you should feel free to add others if you believe the PythonCommunities will benefit from having them covered at this, and future, conferences.


The sprints are intended to benefit the Python core, as well as encouraging more developers to take part in Python's development. They will also be a good place to see ExtremeProgramming or other AgileDevelopment techniques in action. What would you like to see done, or at least attempted?

Lightning Talks

At IPC 10 the Developer Day had many short talks on diverse topics. If you can't produce a full-blown paper, offer your own talk (as short as five minutes is acceptable) to distil a part of your hard-won experience and save others the learning time you put in. Or just say what you'd like someone else to give a lightning talk on.


The absence of professional organizers is the main way to keep the cost of PyCon down, but this means we're relying on YOU to help. Volunteer efforts don't need to be all-embracing -- if we can share the load then no one individual needs to suffer a heart attack to make things happen. This section will detail areas where help is needed, and you are encouraged to put your name down to offer assistance. Make it your conference. Make it our conference. This is a commmunity effort, and it needs people to get involved.

Progress Reports

There are many areas of Python development where it's hard to stay in touch with what's going on. What would you like to see reports about? Two areas that have already been mentioned are Jython/JPython and the PythonBusinessForum. What else is of burning interest? Who is going to give these reports? Sign up here and help to make PyCon relevant and engaging. You don't need to be a professional speaker to help other Pythonistas out with a little information.

Batteries to be Included

There seems to be some interest in building Python distributions that combine the core with various third-party libraries. ActiveState is probably the model here, packaging the Python core with Mark Hammond's win32all extensions and various others. How can this be done in ways that make more people's lives easier and at the same time assist the conference theme of Popularizing Python?

Choice of Freebies

If sponsorship is available (as it appears it might be), should the organizers ask for money, to be used to reduce conference registration fees, or should they try to get nice giveaways that your technical friends will think are outrageously cool when you return home? Suggestions, please.

Note: Please send mail to [mailto:PyConDC-2003@python.org] after updating this page if you want the organizers to respond with more alacrity.

PyCon (last edited 2011-05-10 12:06:06 by StevePiercy)

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