Links to Python information in the Khmer language
ISO 639-1 Code: km
PDF Presentation - Khmer Python for the Rest of Life
khmerpython - Python 3.0/PyQt4 with Khmer GUI and Khmer in code
pykhmer - blog with some - ample example code
vuthdevlopment - more Qt GUI - similar to PyQt4 content above
vuthweekend - pyQt and pygame
takes input as unordered khmer unicode string and produces an organized khmer unicode string based on the rule: baseCharacter [+ [Robat/Shifter] + [Coeng*] + [Shifter] + [Vowel] + [Sign]]
khmerpython - not much yet
khmeros - forum thread with some code
blog.e-khmer - pyQt, pygame - code, clocks