Revision 7 as of 2006-01-11 20:46:13

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IronPython is [ JimHugunin's] implementation of Python on the .NET CLR.

The project has a [ workspace] where you can get news and download the latest version. An older site, appears to be unmaintained. (He didn't have enough time to do it properly without funding -- so Microsoft hired him. As of January 2006, Microsoft has released a Beta version, and the expectation is betas roughly every three weeks, and a final within 10 betas.)

Early results are promising, showing great performance, even better than CPython 2.3 on the Pystone benchmark, but remember this is an early prototype, not a full implementation.

These results caused a flurry of discussion, which has since died down, pending more information from Jim.

Other Python-Like Languages for .NET/Mono

Some other Python-like languages for .NET and Mono include:

Accessing .NET from CPython

[ Python for .NET] is the reverse of IronPython, it lets you access .NET assemblies from CPython.

See also: PythonAndParrot, LoGix

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