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Revision 10 as of 2007-09-10 11:53:38
Size: 1764
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Revision 11 as of 2007-09-10 15:59:47
Size: 1628
Editor: 88-96-105-246
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IronPython is [http://hugunin.net/index.html JimHugunin's] implementation of Python on the .NET CLR. IronPython is [http://hugunin.net/index.html JimHugunin's] an implementation of Python on the .NET CLR.
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The project has a [http://www.codeplex.com/Wiki/View.aspx?ProjectName=IronPython workspace] where you can get news and download the latest version. An older site, http://ironpython.com/ appears to be unmaintained. (He didn't have enough time to do it properly without funding -- so Microsoft hired him. As of January 2006, Microsoft has released a Beta version, and the expectation is betas roughly every three weeks, and a final within 10 betas.) The project has a [http://www.codeplex.com/Wiki/View.aspx?ProjectName=IronPython workspace] where you can get news and download the latest version.
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Early results are promising, showing great performance, even better than CPython 2.3 on the Pystone benchmark, but remember this is an early prototype, not a full implementation. * Stable Version is 1.1 (targeting Python 2.4)
* Developers Version is 2.0a4 (targeting Python 2.5)
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These results caused a flurry of discussion, which has since died down, pending more information from Jim.
 * http://www.python.org/~jeremy/weblog/031209a.html
 * http://www.hole.fi/jajvirta/weblog/20031210T0901.html
 * http://primates.ximian.com/~miguel/archive/2003/Dec-09.html
Version 2 (which uses the Dynamic Language Runtime, a framework for writing dynamic languages for .NET which was abstracted out of IronPython 2) is part of Silverlight 1.1. This means that IronPython can be used for client-side scripting ''in the browser''.

Mozilla are working on porting the DLR (well, the underlying Core CLR that it uses in fact) to run on their Tamarin JIT. This should mean that IronPython will also run in future versions of Firefox. (See [http://wiki.mozilla.org/Tamarin:IronMonkey IronMonkey]).


IronPython is [http://hugunin.net/index.html JimHugunin's] an implementation of Python on the .NET CLR.

The project has a [http://www.codeplex.com/Wiki/View.aspx?ProjectName=IronPython workspace] where you can get news and download the latest version.

* Stable Version is 1.1 (targeting Python 2.4) * Developers Version is 2.0a4 (targeting Python 2.5)

Version 2 (which uses the Dynamic Language Runtime, a framework for writing dynamic languages for .NET which was abstracted out of IronPython 2) is part of Silverlight 1.1. This means that IronPython can be used for client-side scripting in the browser.

Mozilla are working on porting the DLR (well, the underlying Core CLR that it uses in fact) to run on their Tamarin JIT. This should mean that IronPython will also run in future versions of Firefox. (See [http://wiki.mozilla.org/Tamarin:IronMonkey IronMonkey]).

Other Python-Like Languages for .NET/Mono

Some other Python-like languages for .NET and Mono include:

Accessing .NET from CPython

[http://www.zope.org/Members/Brian/PythonNet/index_html Python for .NET] is the reverse of IronPython, it lets you access .NET assemblies from CPython.

See also: PythonAndParrot, LoGix, IronPython IDE

IronPython (last edited 2022-09-25 12:38:41 by HuntBlanchat)

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