Differences between revisions 11 and 12
Revision 11 as of 2009-06-04 20:50:52
Size: 6705
Editor: PaulBoddie
Comment: Added note about file monitoring.
Revision 12 as of 2009-06-08 18:06:27
Size: 6684
Editor: PeterFein
Comment: clobbered mention of gamin in errata with explanation of purpose
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Solutions to common concurrent problems in different styles/toolkits. Inspired by [[http://99-bottles-of-beer.net/ | 99 Bottles of Beer]]. The purpose of this page is to show solutions to common concurrent problems in different styles/toolkits. Inspired by [[http://99-bottles-of-beer.net/ | 99 Bottles of Beer]].  It is not intended to demonstrate high-performance code, but rather to give potential users a sense of what typical code using the various libraries looks like.
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The method of waiting for the file to change is inefficient. Perhaps the [[http://www.gnome.org/~veillard/gamin/python.html|Python bindings]] for [[http://www.gnome.org/~veillard/gamin/|Gamin]] would be of interest.

99 Concurrent Bottles of Beer

99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around,
Take one down, pass it around,
97 bottles of beer on the wall, 97 bottles of beer
98 bottles of beer on the wall, 98 bottles of beer

The purpose of this page is to show solutions to common concurrent problems in different styles/toolkits. Inspired by 99 Bottles of Beer. It is not intended to demonstrate high-performance code, but rather to give potential users a sense of what typical code using the various libraries looks like.

Include a brief description if you add to this page. Please make sure your source is well commented - concurrency is hard!

The Problem


tail -f /var/log/system.log |grep pants

in concurrent Python. On unix, you can send syslog messages via logger; filenames may vary.


Solutions using readline() will exhibit bugs if less than a full line is flushed to disk. If your input file is syslog, this shouldn't be a problem however.

Glyph makes the very valid point that these examples are in fact serial programs (ie, they don't do more than one thing at a time). A better example would be following multiple files simultaneously.


Generators implement a "pull-style" approach to concurrency.

Toggle line numbers
   1 import time
   2 import re
   4 def follow(fname):
   5     f = file(fname)
   6     f.seek(0,2) # go to the end
   7     while True:
   8         l = f.readline()
   9         if not l: # no data
  10             time.sleep(.1)
  11         else:
  12             yield l
  14 def grep(lines, pattern):
  15     regex = re.compile(pattern)
  16     for l in lines:
  17         if regex.match(l):
  18             yield l
  20 def printer(lines):
  21     for l in lines:
  22         print l.strip()
  24 f = follow('/var/log/system.log')
  25 g = grep(f, ".*pants.*")
  26 p = printer(g)
  28 for i in p:
  29     pass


The inversion of the generator example above, coroutines use a "push-style" approach to concurrency:

Toggle line numbers
   1 import time
   2 import re
   3 from functools import wraps
   6 def coroutine(func):
   7     @wraps(func)
   8     def thing(*args, **kwargs):
   9         gen = func(*args, **kwargs)
  10         gen.next() # advance to the first yield
  11         return gen
  12     return thing
  14 @coroutine
  15 def follow(fname, next):
  16     f = file(fname)
  17     f.seek(0,2) # go to the end
  18     while True:
  19         l = f.readline()
  20         if not l: # no data
  21             time.sleep(.1)
  22         else:
  23             next.send(l)
  25 @coroutine
  26 def grep(pattern, next):
  27     regex = re.compile(pattern)
  28     while True:
  29         l = yield
  30         if regex.match(l):
  31             next.send(l)
  33 @coroutine
  34 def printer():
  35     while True:
  36         l = yield
  37         print l.strip()
  40 p = printer()
  41 g = grep('.*pants.*', p)
  42 f = follow('/var/log/system.log', g)


Greenlets are similar to coroutines.

Toggle line numbers
   1 import greenlet
   2 import time
   3 import re
   5 def follow(fname, next):
   6     # setup
   7     f = file(fname)
   8     f.seek(0,2) # go to the end
   9     # do stuff
  10     while True:
  11         l = f.readline()
  12         if not l: # no data
  13             time.sleep(.1)
  14         else:
  15             next.switch(l)
  17 def grep(pattern, next):
  18     # setup
  19     regex = re.compile(pattern)
  21     def do_stuff(l):
  22         parent = greenlet.getcurrent().parent
  23         while True:
  24             if regex.match(l):
  25                 l = next.switch(l)
  26             else:
  27                 l = parent.switch() # subtle!
  29     return do_stuff
  31 def printer(l):
  32     # no setup
  33     parent = greenlet.getcurrent().parent
  34     # do stuff
  35     while True:
  36         print l.strip()
  37         l = parent.switch()
  39 p = greenlet.greenlet(printer)
  40 g = greenlet.greenlet(grep(".*pants.*", p))
  41 follow("/var/log/system.log", g)


Toggle line numbers
   1 import time
   2 import re
   4 import Axon
   5 from Kamaelia.Chassis.Pipeline import Pipeline
   7 # threaded due to the time.sleep() call
   8 # No yield since a threaded component
   9 class Follow(Axon.ThreadedComponent.threadedcomponent):
  10     def __init__(self, fname, **argv):
  11         self.fname = fname
  12         super(Follow,self).__init__(**argv)
  13     def main(self):
  14         f = file(self.fname)
  15         f.seek(0,2) # go to the end
  16         while not self.dataReady("control"):
  17             l = f.readline()
  18             if not l: # no data
  19                 time.sleep(.1)
  20             else:
  21                 self.send(l, "outbox")
  23         self.send(self.recv("control"), "signal")
  25 class Grep(Axon.Component.component):
  26     # Default pattern, override in constructor with pattern="some pattern"
  27     # See below
  28     pattern = "."
  29     def main(self):
  30         regex = re.compile(self.pattern)
  31         while not self.dataReady("control"):
  32            for l in self.Inbox("inbox"):
  33                if regex.match(l):
  34                    self.send(l, "outbox")
  35            self.pause()
  36            yield 1
  37         self.send(self.recv("control"), "signal")
  39 class Printer(Axon.Component.component):
  40     def main(self):
  41         while not self.dataReady("control"):
  42             for l in self.Inbox("inbox"):
  43                 print l.strip()
  44             self.pause()
  45             yield 1
  46         self.send(self.recv("control"), "signal")
  48 Pipeline(
  49     Follow('/var/log/system.log'),
  50     Grep(".*pants.*"),
  51     Printer(),
  52 ).run()


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   1 from twisted.protocols.basic import LineReceiver
   2 from twisted.python import log
   4 SLOW_INTERVAL = 1.0
   5 FAST_INTERVAL = 0.001
   6 SEEK_END = 2
   7 BLOCKSIZE = 8192
   9 class TailTransport(object):
  10   def __init__(self, fileobj, protocol):
  11       self.fileobj = fileobj
  12       self.protocol = protocol
  13       self.disconnecting = False
  15   def start(self, clock):
  16       self.clock = clock
  17       self.fileobj.seek(0, SEEK_END)
  18       self.protocol.makeConnection(self)
  19       self.tick()
  21   def tick(self):
  22       anyData = self.fileobj.read(BLOCKSIZE)
  23       try:
  24           self.protocol.dataReceived(anyData)
  25       except:
  26           log.err()
  27       if anyData:
  28           interval = FAST_INTERVAL
  29       else:
  30           interval = SLOW_INTERVAL
  31       self.clock.callLater(interval, self.tick)
  33 class Grep(LineReceiver):
  34   delimiter = '\n'
  35   def __init__(self, term):
  36       self.term = term
  38   def lineReceived(self, line):
  39       if self.term in line:
  40           print line.rstrip("\n")
  42 def main():
  43   from twisted.internet import reactor
  44   TailTransport(file("/var/log/syslog", "rb"),
  45                 Grep("pants")).start(reactor)
  46   reactor.run()
  48 main()

Concurrency/99Bottles (last edited 2014-10-14 21:57:17 by ppaez)

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